Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Up in the ivory tower

OK – so before you think I've got ahead of myself academically, I am not actually talking about the proverbial ivory tower. I am LITERALLY in an ivory tower. Well, its not really ivory – more limestone.

I am in study carrel 5, fourth floor clock-tower, Maughan Library, Chancery Lane. I am in the prime location carrel (with sunshine and a view). You have to get here before 9am to score this one – especially as exams are coming up. On the photo above, my windows are the two on the left – second from the top of the tower.

With one week left before a big assignment is due, I have banished myself to the tower. Books and papers surround me, my pencil case is full, no distractions, conditions are perfect for a productive day. But then there is always my blog………….
Below are the views I have. At least I have lovely views from my prison tower.

Friday, 13 April 2007

Can I see some ID please?

Emotions felt, when buying booze, and the cashier asks for ID...

17 yrs old - devastated

18 yrs old - triumphant (as you produce the ID)

23 yrs old - annoyed

28 yrs old - BRILLIANT!!!!

I got asked for ID when buying a bottle of wine at Sainsbury's yesterday - beautiful!

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Glastonbury II

After a traumatic morning involving many hours of sitting in front of my computer refreshing the screen, with my landline on one ear, my mobile on the other – my dear friend Groova eventually managed to get us all tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There’s going to be about 15 of us, there’s going to be tents, there’s going to be (hopefully a bit of) sun, there’s going to be (hopefully not too much) mud, there’s going to be beer, wellies, music, dancing, and much festivities all round. I just can’t wait.

Below is a photo of Glasto 2005 – hahahahaha – I really hope this doesn’t happen to us :)

Sunday, 1 April 2007


I have a ticket.

Words fail me right now.

I can't believe it.

I have a ticket.