Thursday 7 February 2008

The decision

Decisions are funny things (can we call them things?). Some are easy to make – should I brush my teeth? Some are sometimes easy and sometimes hard – what should I have for lunch? Some are sometimes hard, but you know they are the right choice – should I go for a run? Some are easy and you know they might not be the best choice in all ways – should I stay out all night dancing? Some are very important and are very difficult to make – should I end this relationship? Some are very important, yet may be easy to make – who should I vote for? Some are unimportant, yet still seem to take much deliberation – what should I wear tonight?

You get my drift – our lives all full of decisions. Important, unimportant, difficult, easy, confusing etc. We make them everyday.

But every now and then, a decision comes along and surprises you; slaps you in the face and takes you unaware. Unaware that you even had to make this decision, that you were even thinking about it or that it was even an option. And before you know it you have made the decision without even thinking about it, without contemplation.

This happened to me last Sunday. While catching up with an old friend, discussing my next steps, living in London, my career – she asked me a simple question – “Why don’t you look for a job in Lilongwe?”.

And that was it. I knew that I was going to stay in Lilongwe and look for a job. Something inside me said YES. My state of mind changed. Everything felt right. The universe conspired.

So I am staying. Of course, if I don’t find a job, I will go somewhere else. But the positivity that I feel is overwhelming and I’m sure that I will find something.

2008 is going to be a good year.

A few snapshots of Lilongwe: (more to come)
Lilongwe River and the market

Area 2 market

A game of chequers

Old Town


Anonymous said...

Hazel! I don´t know why today I remembered about ur blog... I am glad u r happy n in ur country... It is a shame we didn´t spend more time together in London... I am living in Santo Domingo, if u don´t find a job there u always can learn spanish n i will find u a job here!!


Anonymous said...

I love this makes me SO happy. 2008 will be a good year. I love you so much! Love heath