Friday, 30 January 2009

If at first you don’t succeed

I didn’t post anything yesterday.

But there is an explanation for this lack of a post.

This explanation will take the form of a limerick.

A blogger’s experimentation,
Sought brilliance through proliferation,
What came as a shock
Was enhanced writers block,
So instead she took up meditation.

So yesterday I had abandoned blogging for meditation (of course it had nothing to do with completely forgetting).

However, following some reassurance (in the comment on “Luscious Words”) that other artists have tried this sort of thing before, and have found it to be successful, I will continue!

BTW if anyone feels like reading about someone who has had a VERY interesting life, look up Christopher Isherwood on Wikipedia. I look forward to reading some of his stuff.

Word of the day – PERSISTENCE

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Luscious Words

So this New Year’s Resolution is very difficult.

It’s not difficult to write a few mindless sentences. But it is difficult to put a few mindless sentences on my blog. I was always very self-conscious and this ended up making me post only ever few months.

But I was inspired by a friend (it was your Adam, Shela) who said that his friend posted every day. And I feel as if it is a learning curve. To begin with there will be some mindless posts, you will be bored and I will be embarrassed. But this embarrassment will make me be more observant in day to day life, and be more inspired.

So until I am there, please be patient. It will take a while but someday, maybe I will post something interesting every day.

Here are a few luscious words/phrases that I heard in a song on my way to work today. I love them. I love words and I want to be more observant when it comes to words too.

Devilishly gorgeous temptress

Elegantly wasted

And eloquently said

Word of the day: WORDS

Tuesday, 27 January 2009


So here’s a bit of news. I am moving house on Sunday.

For over a year I have been either staying in friend’s places in London, or staying with mum in Lilongwe. And as wonderful as this has been, I am SOOO excited to be moving into my own place.

I am moving in with another girl, and we have a spare room so please come and visit!!!! Photos coming soon.


Monday, 26 January 2009

failed already!

I was in front of the computer on Friday and I didn't post :(

My New Year Resolution has been broken already! Oh well, I will try again!

Check this out

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Features of a speech

Just a quick one. Am going to the lake this weekend (yay) and I plan to take a couple of the speech booklets. So I thought I should think about which features I should take note of while I read. This is what I came up with:

The speech theme
The audience
The opening and closing
The historical setting

For now the delivery is not really an issue as I am reading the speeches. The use of Youtube may come later.

I suspect that because of my past blog apathy, my readers have not noticed the new years resolution as there have been no comments. I wonder when they will (if ever). Please do comment if you visit 

Word of the day: GUANTANAMO!!!!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Credit crunches can be romantic too

In the back of my head, I was sure that I had written something about speeches before, but I looked back on my blog and found that I hadn’t, and was a bit confused. Then I remembered that I had commented on one of Castles in the Sand’s posts. So I just want to give credit to CITS for inspiration for the theme “SPEECHES” – respect! (Although respect is diminishing as his last post was Monday, September 8th 2008).

So Obama’s speech.

It certainly wasn’t a Martin Luther King “Dream” speech, however I maintain the opinion (from the CITS comment) that it is more difficult to write a moving speech that will go down in history about climbing out of a credit crunch, than it is to write one about people coexisting in harmony. I believe he corrected the guy reading the oath – I love that!

I thought Naomi Wolf’s comments on the speech were pertinent:

“I thought Obama did three things impressively. Firstly, he sounded a note of our dire circumstances that was in line with a reality that many have been in denial about. That is technically ­brilliant, because he's inheriting a mess, and he's telling people, "We're not going to dig ourselves out of this easily." But also, "Don't blame me for it all."

The second was that he reasserted the primacy of the constitution and the rule of law. With Bush sitting behind him, that was like showtime at the OK Corral. I have written in the past that it is going to take a grassroots movement to support him in reasserting the rule of law, because there are so many vested interests that stand opposed to it. But that was a shot across the bows.

Thirdly, most amazingly, I feel that he dialled down the threat level of the US with just a few sentences. He reached out a hand to the Muslim world. For Obama to say, "I'm not going to demonise you" – that is extraordinarily stabilising.”

For the full article go to (still haven’t worked out that whole URL thing).

As a follow up to my post on 20th October 2008, have a look at this

Word of the day “OBAMA”.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

New Year’s Resolution

This post is intentionally written in a very rough form. I have a new year’s resolution. I am going to post on my blog every day from now on (well…. every day that I am in front of my computer with internet). It is allowed to be one line (hopefully it will normally be more).

The reason I am doing this is that I have been rubbish with my blog in the last few months and I have been meaning to write more. But then I start a post and get stuck on it and feel like it has to be perfect before I post it. And then it ends up taking a month to write. This way I will keep writing, and post more and hopefully be more productive even with the more polished posts.

I also want to try new ideas out. I think I will have themes that I will come back to. I might even have a work of the day.

Today’s word of the day is “SPEECH”. And “SPEECHES” is also my new theme.

A lot of us will be watching an important speech later today. It will be Obama’s first speech as POTUS (“President of the United States” for non-West Wing Watchers).

So what exactly is it that makes a good speech?

About a year ago (maybe two years ago) the Guardian did a special series where every day you got a free booklet inside the paper of a famous speech (Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela etc). I collected most of them, and have them sitting next to my bed. So I intend to read them, and one at a time I will make comments. Please make this interactive (all four and a half of you).

And for those of you who are West Wing fans, check out Obama’s Sam Seabourn

(I have forgotten how to make that clever thing when you change the URL into a description, but I don’t have time today to look into it – this is my experiment of a speedy-typed post).

Anyway, Happy New Year dear fans! And go Obama! A new year, a new hope!