Wednesday 28 January 2009

Luscious Words

So this New Year’s Resolution is very difficult.

It’s not difficult to write a few mindless sentences. But it is difficult to put a few mindless sentences on my blog. I was always very self-conscious and this ended up making me post only ever few months.

But I was inspired by a friend (it was your Adam, Shela) who said that his friend posted every day. And I feel as if it is a learning curve. To begin with there will be some mindless posts, you will be bored and I will be embarrassed. But this embarrassment will make me be more observant in day to day life, and be more inspired.

So until I am there, please be patient. It will take a while but someday, maybe I will post something interesting every day.

Here are a few luscious words/phrases that I heard in a song on my way to work today. I love them. I love words and I want to be more observant when it comes to words too.

Devilishly gorgeous temptress

Elegantly wasted

And eloquently said

Word of the day: WORDS


Sean Hunter said...

I went to an exhibition the other day of works by a humble man of South African arts, Wim Botha. To everyone's delight Botha made a suprise visit and began taking us through some of his extraordinary woodwork pieces. I was particularly agog to learn that he conceived of one project as a carving a day for a year. To begin with, he explained, it was hell on his hands--he came to dinner tired and disillusioned. Then all at once it became easier, and then it was a joy. Try and find him online. Another person with a daily ethic was Christopher Isherwood, whose writings you would absolutely adore. The introduction to his Diaries (the pages of which contain a cockroach)tells one that 'Isherwood used his diary to discipline himself in periods of laziness or dissipation, to clarify his thoughts, and to right himself in moments of spiritual uncertainty'.
May your blogging produce these benefits too. I hope you are well. x

Anonymous said...

I love those lyrics too!
Have fun in your new quarters. xxx S