Tuesday 20 January 2009

New Year’s Resolution

This post is intentionally written in a very rough form. I have a new year’s resolution. I am going to post on my blog every day from now on (well…. every day that I am in front of my computer with internet). It is allowed to be one line (hopefully it will normally be more).

The reason I am doing this is that I have been rubbish with my blog in the last few months and I have been meaning to write more. But then I start a post and get stuck on it and feel like it has to be perfect before I post it. And then it ends up taking a month to write. This way I will keep writing, and post more and hopefully be more productive even with the more polished posts.

I also want to try new ideas out. I think I will have themes that I will come back to. I might even have a work of the day.

Today’s word of the day is “SPEECH”. And “SPEECHES” is also my new theme.

A lot of us will be watching an important speech later today. It will be Obama’s first speech as POTUS (“President of the United States” for non-West Wing Watchers).

So what exactly is it that makes a good speech?

About a year ago (maybe two years ago) the Guardian did a special series where every day you got a free booklet inside the paper of a famous speech (Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela etc). I collected most of them, and have them sitting next to my bed. So I intend to read them, and one at a time I will make comments. Please make this interactive (all four and a half of you).

And for those of you who are West Wing fans, check out Obama’s Sam Seabourn http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jan/20/barack-obama-inauguration-us-speech

(I have forgotten how to make that clever thing when you change the URL into a description, but I don’t have time today to look into it – this is my experiment of a speedy-typed post).

Anyway, Happy New Year dear fans! And go Obama! A new year, a new hope!

1 comment:

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