Thursday 22 January 2009

Features of a speech

Just a quick one. Am going to the lake this weekend (yay) and I plan to take a couple of the speech booklets. So I thought I should think about which features I should take note of while I read. This is what I came up with:

The speech theme
The audience
The opening and closing
The historical setting

For now the delivery is not really an issue as I am reading the speeches. The use of Youtube may come later.

I suspect that because of my past blog apathy, my readers have not noticed the new years resolution as there have been no comments. I wonder when they will (if ever). Please do comment if you visit 

Word of the day: GUANTANAMO!!!!

1 comment:

Shela P said...

Just so you know I'm reading your blog Hazey! I'm having a porridge-brain day, so this won't be an intelligent comment, just an intelligable one hopefully!
Obama's speech was really good. Such high hopes for one man, such pressure - good luck BO!
xxx S